Fire Engineering
Fire Engineering Assessment for High Rise Office Tower at 85 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
Fire Engineering Design services for High Rise Office Tower at 100 Market Street, Sydney
Fire Engineering Design of office building at 7 Parkview Drive, Homebush Bay
Fire Engineering Assessment of ANZ building at 20 Martin Place, Sydney
Fire engineering design services for all major aspects of fire engineering at commercial building at 2 Park Street, Sydney
Fire Engineering Design for Westfield Sydney City Retail Development
Fire Engineering Assessment of Westfield Parramatta fire safety upgrade
Fire Engineering Assessment of Westfield Hurstville fire safety upgrade
Fire Engineering design for Rouse Hill Town Centre Development comprising retail, commercial, learning, apartment buildings and a town centre with library and community facilities
Fire engineering assessment for extension to existing shopping centre at Bonnells Bay
Fire Engineering design services for Westfield Kotara Redevelopment Project
Warrawong Plaza new transformation at its eastern end
Erina Fair shopping centre integration of the new retail tenancy reconfiguration works with the older portions of the building.
Westfield Miranda base building extension and mini-major and major tenancies to provide safe and cost-effective performance solutions.
Fire Safety Study of Tallawarra ‘B’ Gas Turbine Power Station
Fire Safety Study and Consequence modelling for ESSO Longford Petrochemical Refinery
Review of fire behaviour of co-combustion of coal and contaminated wood in numerous Delta Electricity power generation plants
Fire engineering assessment of BHP (One Steel) Contistretch Project in Newcastle
Fire Engineering assessment of Bondi Sewer Treatment Facility
Fire engineering assessment of portable construction and mining camps accommodation buildings
Fire engineering assessment of One Steel Ropeworks factory extension in Newcastle
Project on heat transfer through fire-resistant coatings and their evaluation for use in hazard stores for flammable material storage for on shore and off shore applications
Southern Cross Care - Young Age Care Facility
Gymea Bay Nursing Home Fire Safety Upgrade
Napean Hospital Extension
Fire Engineering Assessment of Amity Aged Care Centre at Waratah (Newcastle)
Avondale Retirement Village – Cooranbong – Fire Engineering Design Services
Fire Engineering Design Lee Wharf Development in Newcastle
Fire Engineering Design for Regis Towers, Sydney
Fire Engineering Design for Summit Tower, Sydney
Fire Engineering Design for 34-38 Wolseley Road Point Piper
Fire Safety upgrade for southern Steel warehouse facility 319 Horsley Road Milperra
Fire Engineering assessment for Sleep City Warehouse Facility Newton Road Wetherill park Fire Engineering assessment for Schenker Warehouse and Logistics facility at Yenorra
Fire Engineering assessment for Myers warehouse facility at Eastern Creek
Fire Engineering assessment for Coil Steel Warehouses, Erskine Park
Fire Engineering assessment for ALDI warehousing facility at Minchinbury
Fire Engineering assessment for a manufacturing and warehousing facility for Masterpet Foods in Parkes
Fire risk assessment and analysis of tunnel lining material for Parramatta Rail Link Tunnel project
Fire Safety Upgrade study for Sydney Underground Railway
KCRC underground railway stations smoke ventilation and occupant evacuation design.
CFD Fire Modelling for the East Hall Works at Chek Lap Kok Airport Hong Kong
Peer Review of Fire Engineering Design of Inner Northern Busway, Boggo Road Busway Tunnel in Brisbane
Fire Engineering Design services for Centrepoint Tower Fire Safety Upgrade comprising revolving restaurants, observation levels and Skywalk facility
Fire Engineering Design services for Star City Casino complex
Fire Engineering Design services for Powerhouse Museum complex
Fire Engineering Assessment for Wetherill Park Bowling Alley