Fire Engineering and Code Compliance

Our Services


At Fire Engineering Professionals, we are dedicated to providing outstanding quality assurance and service through our innovative performance solutions.With a team of highly skilled and experienced fire safety engineers, we strive to deliver exceptional results across a wide range of Fire Engineering services. 

Compliance Audits and Annual Fire Safety Statements

Our team can assist building owners and developers to carry out audits to assess compliance of existing buildings against fire engineering requirements as part of due diligence as well as for building extensions or redevelopments.  We also provide this service as part of annual building review (AFSS) to identify life safety or property protection issues.

Code Compliance

As a part of our commitment to Australian and other International Building Codes, Fire Engineering Professionals Pty Ltd provide performance solutions which demonstrate compliance with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) whilst utilising guidance from International Building Codes, NFPA, Factory Mutual Guidelines and other loss prevention guidelines.

Special Hazard and Fire Safety Studies


Our fire engineering team is able to carry out hazard studies for major infrastructure and special hazard facilities.  Our specialist knowledge in energy, chemical and process industry enables us to identify unique hazards and associated risks relevant to each facility and to provide cost effective solutions to address the risks which will achieve client’s design outcomes while ensuring highest level of occupant safety and minimising business interruption.

Peer Reviews


At Fire Engineering Professionals Pty Ltd, we challenge every design solution for not only its robustness but for the flexibility it needs to provide to the building development or an infrastructure facility for future modifications.   In this regard, we are able to provide peer review of fire engineering design solutions and act as technical advisors to ensure that all design alternatives are considered to achieve the best design outcome for each project.